Thursday, September 22, 2011

will be missing for awhile because I'm moving to Jay's to take care of him.  Joined this swap!

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Surgery done!

now the hard part of rehab  THANKS for the prayers

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Asking for Prayers

my son Jay is to have open heart surgery tomorrow about 9:00 am.   Please remember him,  God's will be done.   Just found this birth defect a year ago, replacement vaule

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Happy Birthday, Alyssa

5 years ago I was present at the birth of my 1st great-granddaughter: Miracle.  Would not recomend Motherhood on a 16 year old girl but------- Alyssa is a gift from God as each child is,  GRANNY Loves you, Alyssa

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

SWAP pics & little sewing,too!

This is my SPRING SEASONS swap goodie, thanks Sharon (her hasn't arrived yet so maybe IRENE needed them more?)

This is my SANTA BAG swap (this is hard not to open) but Linda did have tag that said OPEN ME NOW, thanks so much!  REALLY cute earings

This is my SANTA SWAP 2 from Scarlett, THANKS!

A fat quarter skirt I've done for Sofia

Saturday, September 3, 2011

have you seen THE LADIES?  Happy September, have a SAFE LABOR DAY.  I'm finishing so wraping of SWAP that will go to Post Office on Tues.   Just checking in cause the weather is making me think FALL! mamacjt.  ( So cute)!